News Release


A delegation from ONE Shipping Line visits Damietta Container Terminal

DCHC (Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Co.) received on Monday 5-2-2024 a delegation from the shipping line (Ocean Network Express) ONE, and the delegation from the company's branch in London included Mr. Radek Majerski - Senior General Manager - Vessels Operations EUA Region, Captain .Yukio Hosono - Senior General Manager - Global Vessels Operations - EUA Region and Mr. Mohamed Sultan - Head of Operations- Operations (ONE Egypt ). and they were received by Admiral Dr. Rafik Galal - Executive Managing Director of DCHC (Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Co.), and it is worth noting that the shipping line ONE is one of the most important customers of Damietta Container Terminal. For his part, Admiral / Executive Managing Director of DCHC (Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Co.) welcomed the guests and expressed his full support for all shipping lines, including the shipping line ONE, and stated that the terminal succeeded in achieving a leap in performance rates during the last period and achieving unprecedented records before since its inception, as about )One million and 970 thousand TEU( were handled during the last year 2023. The visit included the implementation of a presentation about the company and its potential and to identify the aspects of development and existing projects, and the guests were also accompanied on a field tour to see the company's berths and yards, where it won the admiration of the visitors and confirmed their confidence in DCHC (Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Co.) and the ability of the terminal to continue to receive and operate ships of the shipping line efficiently and the extent of their happiness with the honorable image that appeared in the station and their admiration for the quality of the level of service provided, as well as expressing the desire to cooperate with the station in the future.
