Cooperation Protocol between DCHC and RAL
In implementation of the directives of His Excellency Lieutenant General / Kamel Al-Wazir - Deputy Prime Minister for Industrial Development and Minister of Industry and Transport to take all necessary measures to develop work in the national container terminals, as well as the instructions of the Holding Company for Maritime and Land Transport to intensify marketing efforts in order to attract new customers and increase the market share of the container terminal.
A cooperation protocol was signed between DCHC (Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Co.) and RAL Company for Import and Export in order to trade goods in the L.C.L warehouse, and RAL is one of the largest companies working in the field of importing wood, remanufacturing and exporting the final product manufactured in Egypt to the European and African markets and an agent for a number of major international shipping companies.
Admiral Dr. Rafik Galal - Executive Managing Director of ؤ DCHC (Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Co.) stated that the company pays great attention to expanding activities that integrate with the company's main activity with the aim of providing an integrated package of services that increase the connection of its customers from major international shipping companies, and this comes in line with the directives of the political leadership to make Egypt a global center for trade, logistics and maritime transport.