A high-level delegation from HMM Shipping Line visits Damietta Container Terminal ||May 2024

In implementation of the directives of His Excellency Lieutenant General Eng. Kamel Al-Wazir - Minister of Transport to take all necessary measures and measures to develop the work of the national container terminals, as well as the instructions of the Holding Company for Maritime and Land Transport to intensify marketing efforts with the aim of attracting new customers and increasing the market share of the container terminal and in line with the directives of the political leadership to make Egypt a global center for trade, logistics and maritime transport, DCHC (Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Co.) received on Monday 13-5-2024 a high-level delegation from the shipping line HMM and the delegation from the Shipping line in Britain Mr. Andrew Allen - General Manager of the Head Office in Europe, Mr. Ryu Jihyun - Director of Operations at the main branch in Britain and from the shipping agency KADMAR Mr. Mahmoud El-Kady - Director of Operations Development in Egypt and Mr. Ali Saad - Director of Operations in Egypt. They were received by Admiral Dr. Rafik Galal - Executive Managing Director DCHC (Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Co.), and the visit included a presentation about the company and its capabilities and to identify aspects of development and existing projects, which included the inclusion of new berths as well as the addition of new storage spaces for the terminal, and also increasing electricity outlets to connect refrigerator containers to electricity and good preparation from the terminal for the grape export season, and also the establishment of new electronic for the terminal and link them to the (Navis N4) Terminal Operating System, The guests were also taken on a field tour to see the container berths and yards, where the visitors expressed their admiration for the quality of the level of service provided and their confidence in DCHC (Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Co.) and the terminal's ability to continue receiving and operating HMM ships now and in the future. For his part, the Executive Managing Director of DCHC (Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Co.) welcomed the guests and expressed his full support for all shipping lines, including the shipping line HMM, and also all their inquiries were answered, and he stated that the terminal continues to implement its giant investments to ensure the provision of distinguished services to its customers from shipping lines as well as Egyptian exporters and importers.