AAS Shipping Line start to call Damietta Container Terminal ||May 2022

Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Company and AAS Shipping Line as the agent of Middle East Group of Logistics and Consulting (MELC Group) announce the start of the frequency of liner ships on Damietta Port operating on AIX service. The service between Damietta Port and Nhava Shiva and Mundra Leken in India will be as follows (Nhava Shiva-Mundra-Damietta). The new service includes the operation of a ship every 15 days from Damietta to the port of Nhava Shiva which takes 13 days directly without the port of Transit, and then to the port of Mundra, which takes 24 hours from the port of Nhava Shiva. Dr. Ahmed Kamel, General Director of Research and Development at Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Company, coordinated with Mr. Ahmed Fathi Salem, Director of AAS Shipping Line in Egypt to agree the work system to ensure the best service at the terminal and open the way for future cooperation.